Racing Victoria.

Understanding the importance of high quality, efficient broadcasting of content, Racing Victoria sought out Surge Productions to help create their broadcast and technology strategy that will direct them into the future.

This includes:

• A thorough assessment and subsequent production report on how to improve the broadcast platform which is their internal free-to-air channel on Ch78 and Foxtel.

• Executing changes suggested as part of the findings in the production report.

• Renew the Steward Review system and implemented new technology that has allowed remote facilitation.

• Worked with Telstra on Racing Victoria’s behalf to implement innovative broadcasting techniques that created efficient workflow and significant cost cutting. This resulted in removing cameras from the racetrack without using Satellite or DVN infrastructure. Introducing fast speed internet enabled cameras to be located in a remote hub with less than a second latency at broadcast quality.

• Established a proof-of-concept to enable race callers to be located in a remote hub away from the track.

• Implemented a new graphics package and a change of supplier for the platform.

• Implemented captioning for the coverage after performing a market analysis on the appropriate suppliers. Sourcing a supplier with AI capabilities saw a 50% saving in budget costs.